Over the past several years, Infidelity consults and investigations has increased steadily. Not to mention child support issues and child custody investigations increasing as well. Surprisingly, I hear more people saying “ not in a million years would I have suspected or thought He/She would do that” or words to that effect. I am certain, no one wants to think it or when seeing the red flags, wants to believe it. However, if you are reading this, you are no doubt haunted by the constant thoughts and by now, probably been told you are “crazy”.

That is why API is here for you.

Knowing for sure, one way or the other, will at least free you from the constant wonder and self doubt. The questioning, thinking and looking for more red flags whether they are there or not. So call now, Paul will be happy to talk with you, to evaluate your situation and estimate a cost, so you can make a decision about your future.